Approved Non-TWP Electives for Minor

Approved Electives Originating in Units outside TWP for Minor

Students can take up to one of the following courses as part of their five courses for the Minor in Writing and Rhetoric.

AMES 308S: Bilingualism

AMES 478S: Korean Sociolinguistics

CLST 371: Aristotle

WRITING 187/CMAC 187: Digitial Storytelling and Interactive Narrative

WRITING 210S/CMAC 210S: Global Digital Media

CULANTH 499S: Senior Seminar Distinction Program Sequence, Part II

BIO 495S: Scientific Arguments: Writing an Undergraduate Thesis

WRITING 125S/DOCST 110S: Introduction to Oral History

WRITING 135S/DOCST 135S: Introduction to Audio Documentary

DOCST 276S: Writing American Politics

DOCST 350S: Documenting Black Experiences

ENG 212S: Writing across Borders

ENG 222S: Introduction to the Writing of Creative Non-Fiction

ENG 322S: Intermediate Workshop in the Writing of Creative Non-Fiction

ECON 313: Uses of Economics

WRITING 496/ENVIRON 496: Advanced Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy (Note: This is a half-credit course and to count for the minor it must be taken as a pair with ENVIRON 497.)

WRITING 497/ENVIRON 497: Communicating Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy (Note: This is a half-credit course and to count for the minor it must be taken as a pair with ENVIRON 496.)

EVANTH 495S: Advanced Research in Evolutionary Anthropology

GREEK 312S: Greek Oratory and Rhetoric

GREEK 512S: Greek Rhetoric and Oratory

WRITING 253/I&E 253: Social Marketing: From Literary Celebrities to Instagram Influencers

ISS 212S: Global Digital Media: Critical and Comparative Approaches to Information Technologies

ISS 351S: Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative

LATIN 312S: Oratory/Rhetoric

LINGUIST 113FS: Race and Language

LINGUIST 205: The Law and Language

LINGUIST 372S: Language and/in the Media

LINGUIST 410S: Linguistics and Law

LINGUIST 480S: Critical Discourse Analysis

LIT 325S: Understanding Mediation

LIT 390S-4: East-West Cinema

WRITING 363/JAM363: Intro to Podcasting 

WRITING 366S/JAM366S: Long-Form/Magazine Journalism

WRITING 367S/JAM 367S News Writing and Reporting

WRITING 390S/JAM 390S: Opinion Writing

WRITING 390S/JAM 390S: The Art of Profile Writing

WRITING 360S/VMS 360S: Writing the Movie, Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Writing for the Screen

WRITING 273/VMS 387S: Screenwriting