The Thompson Writing Program offers resources for Duke Graduate Students in their work as TAs, teachers, and writers--as well as opportunities for Graduate Students to work with us as Graduate Instructors and Writing Consultants.
The Writing in the Disciplines (WID) Program offers writing pedagogy workshops and consultations for graduate student instructors and teaching assistants. We can help you with all aspects of your work with student writing — from developing or rethinking a W-coded course, to focused assistance with developing assignments, creating grading guidelines, or other specific aspects of your teaching.
See a list of upcoming sessions (also included among the Events listing near bottom of page).
To schedule an individual consultation: email the Director of Writing in the Disciplines. Be sure to include your name, department, and a brief explanation of what assistance you need.
The TWP Writing Studio provides support to graduate student writers admitted through The Graduate School. This includes individual consultations, as well as a variety of writing guides and tips.
Training in writing pedagogy has become increasingly valuable for those pursuing academic positions. Because undergraduate institutions continue to include the development of writing skills as a key goal of their undergraduate programs, new faculty are increasingly being expected to help students develop these skills. This training is also beneficial on the competitive academic job market, and it is useful to have a way to document such training on one’s CV and to be able to speak effectively about one’s experience with and interest in student writing.
The Thompson Writing Program Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching Writing in the Disciplines provides a framework for acquiring basic knowledge of writing pedagogy and demonstrating that knowledge in job applications and during interviews.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
We offer a graduate-level course – Independent Study: Writing 591. This faculty-directed independent study focuses on writing pedagogy in a field of special interest.
Each year, we run a competitive search for a select number of Graduate Student Instructors for Writing 101 and Graduate Student Consultants for the TWP Writing Studio. For more information, contact Vanessa Turnier.