
woman on couch

Retreats are offered throughout the year and provide faculty an opportunity to set aside time for their writing, and write in the company of others in a comfortable, relaxed space. 

Academic year retreats are typically offered in August, December, and February, and focus on dedicated writing time and strategies for sustaining writing momentum.

The summer retreat and workshop is a multi-day immersive writing retreat and includes writing time, workshops, strategic planning, and feedback on works in progress. It is the signature event of the Faculty Write Program.

Learn more about faculty experiences in the summer retreat in the Duke News article At summer retreat, faculty brush up on their writing and academic year retreats in For weary scholars: A moment to regroup, reconnect, and write

man at desk

Spring 2025

Let's Keep Writing 

Staff & Faculty Writing Retreat 
Friday, March 7 | 9am- Noon
Carpenter Board Room |Rubenstein Library 249 & other library spaces.

The Libraries Assembly Professional Affairs Committee and Mentorship Committee have partnered with the Duke FacultyWrite Program to offer a half-day retreat for faculty and staff.  Join fellow writers in a supportive writing environment and make some progress on your work.  Additional optional writing time 12-3. 

Retreat is full. 

Spring Faculty Writing Retreat 
Friday, March 21 | 9am- 4pm
Duke Integrative Medicine Center 

Set aside time to focus on your writing as we welcome spring. Retreat includes structured writing time in a supportive community, short workshops on strategies to cultivate a sustainable writing practice, and opportunities to connect with other writers. Optional yoga for writers session. Open to faculty in any discipline. The retreat cohort will include writers from different disciplines and career stages. Sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Trinity College and the Thompson Writing Program. Space is limited. Registration closes when the retreat is full.

Register here

Summer Scholarly Writing Retreat & Workshop  
May 12 & 13 | 9am- 4pm
Duke Integrative Medicine Center 

Each day of this multi-disciplinary retreat includes hands-on workshops and time to write independently in a comfortable, relaxed space. Learn practical skills about productive writing habits, make progress on a writing project, and participate in a writing community. If you want to spend some time with your writing in the summer, the retreat can help you to figure out the best way forward for you. 

Registration opens soon. 

Regularly Offered Retreats

Summer Scholarly Writing Retreat & Workshop - Signature Event* 

Each day of this multi-disciplinary retreat includes hands-on workshops and time to write independently in a comfortable, relaxed space. Learn practical skills about productive writing habits, make progress on a writing project, and participate in a writing community. If you want to spend some time with your writing in the summer, the retreat can help you to figure out the best way forward for you.  

*Celebrating 13th annual retreat in Summer 2024

Scholarly Writing Retreat: ALUMNI EDITION

Advanced writing retreat designed for writers who've participated in at least one summer retreat.

Pre-Tenure Women Writers  

This retreat provides a supportive environment for writers working toward tenure and promotion. Includes individual writer consultations and discussions on writing practices, strategic planning, and building and sustaining momentum. 

Winter Retreat

Provides a chance to reset after fall semester and write in a supportive community. Retreat includes structured writing time, optional workshops, and opportunities to share progress and challenges with fellow writers. 

Writing, Mindfulness, and Movement

In this retreat, writers dedicate time to writing, quietly but also in community. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in activities designed to awaken awareness of physical habits and renew commitment to their writing as a fundamentally embodied practice.

participants in retreat
Summer 2019 Scholarly Writing Retreat