The Structure of Scientific Writing: An Empirical Analysis of Recent Research Articles in STEMMoskovitz, C; Harmon, B; Saha, S Providing Peer Feedback as a Threshold Concept for Writing TransferComer, D An exploratory study of English as a Second Language students’ “citation” patterns in multimodal writingTan, X Beyond “See Figure 1”: A Heuristic for Writing About Figures and TablesMoskovitz, C The Productivity Trap: Why We Need a New Model of Faculty Writing SupportAhern-Dodson, J; Dufour, M Reading the Online Writing Center: The Affordances and Constraints of WCOnlineSchonberg, E; Colton, A; Bhattarai, P; Kim, E-H; Manning, A; Zhou, X Kenneth Burke’s Theory of Attention: Homo Symbolicus’ Experiential PoeticsLandes, D Review: Complicating Reproductive Agents: Material Feminist Challenges to Reproductive RhetoricsTaylor, H Supporting Faculty as Writers and Teachers: An Integrative Approach to Educational DevelopmentAhern-Dodson, J; Dufour, M Teacher Beliefs and Pedagogical Practices of Integrating Multimodality into First-Year CompositionTan, X; Matsuda, PK Globalizing Writing: Exposure, Exchange, and ReflectionComer, D; Dasgupta, A Music Performativity in the Album: Charles Mingus, Nietzschean Aesthetics, and Mental TheaterLandes, D Sustaining Community-Engaged Projects: Making Visible the Invisible Labor of Composition FacultyCorey, J; George, B Using Cognitive Psychology and Emotion to Inform the Teaching of Writing as Social PracticeCorey, J