Consultant Bios


I like reading, writing, making coffee, drinking coffee, watching terrible television shows, and going on long (and wild!) hikes with my children. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing, or trying to write, or trying to avoid the writing I need to do. I think writing can bring people together, expose what’s troubling and what’s beautiful, and help us learn about what it means to be a being in the world. We can make and encounter the world through producing and reading writing. That being said, writing isn’t always easy but Netflix and dogs help... a lot.



When I’m not in the studio, you can likely find me writing songs, playing piano, journaling, or drawing. I love spending time with family and friends, and gift giving is my favorite love language. I’m a huge reader (English major!) and an avid cinephile (let’s talk movies please:)). My favorite part of writing is the feeling you get when you get in a good groove, almost like you’re unstoppable.


My hobbies include DJing, music production, disc golfing, kite flying, and going to the gym. My favorite thing about writing is that it gives me the opportunity to more fully explore thoughts and feelings that I want to communicate far better than I tend to be able to with words. When I am trying to avoid writing, I imagine the disappointed look on the face of my faculty advisor. I tend to not avoid very long.



When I’m not at the Studio, I enjoy cooking and researching culinary histories, exercising at the gym, crocheting, and playing fetch with my cat Odie. I feel most confident in my writing when it floats somewhere among lucid, well-cited, and evidently possessed by a poetic, surrealist spirit with much to say.

I'm in community with artists, herbalists, and archivists, so when I’m not physically writing, I’m with my friends learning from plants, working through my Criterion Channel watchlist, and trading playlist journals.


Emily S.

My hobbies are making bakes I’ve seen on the Great British Baking Show, doing puzzles (new hobby), reading, and visiting bookshops and stationery stores.

My favorite things about writing are the process of understanding a topic, concept, or problem better and constantly striving to be my most creative and eloquent self.

When I’m not writing, I try to make a dent in the mountain of New Yorkers that have accumulated on my coffee table, go on walks with friends, listen to music, visit family and friends, and try to read as much good writing as possible!


Emily W.

I love painting, playing the flute, cooking, reading, and long nature walks. I love trees and if I’m not painting them, you’ll probably find me walking amongst them and admiring the foliage. My favorite thing about writing is how my writing process helps me crystallize my thoughts. I enjoy seeing how the sundry of thoughts in my head can tumble out as neat prose on paper. When I’m trying to avoid writing, I paint or play my flute or go for a long, wandering walk.



My hobbies are language learning, playing the piano, and reading science fiction. My favorite part about writing is that it allows me to clarify my thoughts about the topics I research and write about. When I’m trying to avoid writing, I often find myself reading and documenting myself beyond what is essential for the writing task at hand.



In my time outside of the studio, you can find me reading thriller novels, exercising at the gym, watching Gossip Girl or changing my appearance in some way (dyeing my hair, getting a tattoo, etc.) I love writing as a means of sharing my passions with others and finding new ways to express myself. When I’m avoiding writing, I often reorganize my hours long playlists or scroll on Pinterest in an attempt to feel semi-productive.


Jamie B.

When I'm not writing, I'm usually reading or watching science fiction, cooking spicy food, hanging out under the full moon, or thinking about climate change. My favorite thing about writing is when I finally get something down on paper that's been banging around inside my head for days. When I'm trying to avoid writing, I usually go outside and watch some animals.



When I’m not writing, I often read Mitch Albom books, cook Thai food in the dorms for my friends, volunteer with Duke APO, or explore new hobbies (wakeboarding and knitting, among many). I enjoy the writing process as it allows me to share my thoughts and insights with my professors, friends, and parents. For me, the brainstorming stage is one of the most rewarding parts of writing. I seek inspiration from traveling, people-watching, or just sitting in the Duke Gardens, hoping an idea will strike. When trying to avoid writing, I like to talk to other people about their pieces in hopes of gaining inspiration or learning something new about their area of study. 



In my free time, I’m usually hanging out with animals (i.e. walking my dog one million times a day and giving her one million kisses), taking dance classes, or spending time outside looking at birds only my partner knows the names of and thinking about finally planting a vegetable garden. I love writing because it’s the hardest and best thing I know how to do. When I’m not writing I’m usually reading (duh) or trying desperately to do laundry in an objectively too-short amount of time.



In my free time, I enjoy working out or playing sports, taking pictures of landscapes or wildlife, and being outdoors while reading a good book, and perhaps playing with a dog. My favorite thing about writing is how it enables people to express ideas, feelings, and relay information. Whether a more academic-centered to a creative piece, writing allows people to communicate their thoughts, opinions, as well as data. When I am trying to avoid writing I talk to people–especially if I am stuck on a paper. It helps me not have to deal with the actual writing, while still doing something productive about the text. 



Some things I enjoy are reading (especially fiction and history), walking (especially in the woods), cooking and eating Indian food, and spending time in the mountains or with my wonderful cat. My favorite thing about writing is using visual techniques, such as concept mapping and color. Laying things out visually really helps me with all kinds of writing process and problems, including brainstorming and organization. When I’m trying to avoid writing, decluttering my apartment becomes appealing. If I’m avoiding writing it usually means I’m feeling stuck, so I try breaking the writing task into smaller parts. (pronouns: she/her)



To jump right into it, I love finding new things to do like origami, dyeing my hair, or watching shows in different languages. Writing is also one of my hobbies, and I love watching other people get excited about their writing just as I do with mine. If I’m not writing, I’m probably watching new mystery shows or reading its book equivalent after I’ve watched the show. 



Outside the writing studio, I enjoy going to the gym and learning more about the intersection of brain and exercise. I would say that writing is an outlet for me–a way to express myself and my thoughts. I value being able to communicate ideas with people that may come from different backgrounds and experiences. It is exciting to be able to read other people’s work because writing styles are so different and there is always something you can learn from someone else. I actively avoid writing assignments by spending extra time with friends, watching basketball (or really any sport), and spending too much time outlining my thoughts. 



In my free time, I love to watch TV and movies, draw, journal, cook, go on walks, and listen to music. I really should read more, but when I do, I usually like to read historical and speculative fiction! I also should write more, but my favorite thing about writing is getting to learn more about myself and the world around me through the process. It also helps me to organize my thoughts, and it’s really rewarding to make a final product that you can be proud of. When I’m not writing, I’m probably talking to my family and friends, unwillingly thinking about the future, or doing all of my hobbies to pretend that I’m writing!



Outside of the Studio I can be found crushing 3-D printed cylinders in the basement of Hudson Hall, running simulations for the Duke AERO rocketry team, or assisting engineering freshmen with their design projects. Writing allows me to make sense of myself and the world at large. I also love how prose can move hearts and change perspectives. Ways that I productively avoid writing include creating overly-detailed mind maps or jogging between campuses. 



If I’m not in the studio, I’m probably baking, running, hiking, at the Duke Gardens, Chapel or reading C.S. Lewis. I’ve grown to appreciate the beauty of learning new languages, and baking pastries that correspond to their culture. My playlist is a variety of classical, pop, latin and country music. I love writing as it’s similar to baking–a variety of ingredients (ideas) come together to form a great masterpiece. 



I’m into rock climbing, mountaineering, making cakes, taking photos, and grappling. I see writing as one mode of storytelling. I’ll geek out anytime about statistics and the ways we represent them, or on the ways we talk about war and violence. When I’m (not) writing, I’m probably outside somewhere trying to avoid my thesis. 



My hobbies are listening to music, running, and cooking. My favorite thing about writing is when it gives access to strange and/or novel and/or humorous forms. When I’m trying to avoid writing I pay attention to my dog instead.