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Spring 2025 Courses

SP25 Courses

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Writing 101 - Learn more about Writing 101 including current semesters-specific offerings

"W" Codes - Learn more about W Codes

Number Title Codes Notes
WRITING 65 Writing Transfer across Contexts
WRITING 70 Introduction to Critical Reading and Writing
WRITING 89S First-Year Seminar: Special Topics
WRITING 101 Academic Writing
WRITING 120 Academic Writing
WRITING 160 Introduction to College Teaching
WRITING 160S Introduction to College Teaching
WRITING 165S Making Your Voice Heard: The Arts of Oral Communication, Critical Speaking, and Digital Rhetoric EI, ALP
WRITING 190FS Topics In Writing
WRITING 190S Special Topics: Writing in the Disciplines
WRITING 190SA Special Topics: Writing in the Disciplines
WRITING 199FS Knowing Through Performance R, W, ALP, SS
WRITING 201S History of Writing Studies W, ALP
WRITING 202S Theoretical Frameworks of Writing Studies W
WRITING 203S Research Methods in Writing Studies EI, R, W
WRITING 205S Composing Oneself: Stress, Identity, and Wellness EI, W, ALP, SS
WRITING 210S Global Digital Media: Critical and Comparative Approaches to Information Technologies
WRITING 240S Style, Voice, Editing: Rhetorical Choices and The Art of Effective Writing W
WRITING 253 Social Marketing: From Literary Celebrities to Instagram Influencers STS, SS
WRITING 255S Literacy, Writing, Tutoring W, SS
WRITING 265S Writing for Global Audiences – Theories and Applications of Comparative Rhetoric CCI, W, ALP
WRITING 267S The Dialog Laboratory: Experiences in Group Communication EI, ALP
WRITING 270 Composing the Internship Experience: Topics in Digital Rhetoric and Social Media Discourse W, ALP
WRITING 271 Reflective Writing and the Internship/Work Experience W Note that Writing 271 no longer requires a prerequisite of Writing 270. This change will be reflected in the catalog description and on this page soon. There is also no longer department consent required and this change will also be reflected soon. If you have questions about Writing 271, please contact TWP DUS Jessica Corey at
WRITING 273S Screenwriting W, ALP
WRITING 275S Cyber Connections: Communication in the Digital Age W, ALP
WRITING 280S Ethics of Ethnography: In the Field and on the Page EI, R, W, SS
WRITING 281S Rhetorics of Health and Medicine EI, STS, W
WRITING 285S Literacies for Our Lives: Lessons from African American Rhetoric W, ALP
WRITING 291 Independent Study
WRITING 293 Research Independent Study R, W
WRITING 305S Writing about Performance CCI, R, W, ALP
WRITING 315S Argument Across the Disciplines W
WRITING 316S Persuasive Writing for Change EI, W, ALP
WRITING 357S Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative
WRITING 360S Writing the Movie. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Writing for the Screen
WRITING 363 Podcasting in A Changing Media Landscape: The Art, Craft and Ethics of An Emerging Medium EI, R, ALP
WRITING 366S Long-form Journalism W, SS
WRITING 367S News Writing and Reporting R, W, SS
WRITING 384 Public Speaking and Global Civil Discourse W
WRITING 390S Advanced Special Topics: Writing in the Disciplines
WRITING 496 Advanced Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy R
WRITING 497 Communicating Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
WRITING 591 Independent Study
WRITING 808 Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching Writing in the Disciplines