
Elizabeth Romage, a junior majoring in Public Policy, used to struggle to figure out where her voice fit in writing assignments amidst the boxes she had to check off and goals she needed to accomplish.“There's a conception that you need to start by gathering your resources and outlining, followed by writing those five paragraphs that we were all taught to do,” she said. If you follow the formula, you produce a draft, make edits and finally have a finished product.Romage credits the class History of Writing Studies… read more about History of Writing Studies Class Helped Public Policy Major Find Her Voice »

Now in its second year, the Duke Climate and Sustainability Teaching Fellows (CAST) held a weeklong workshop for 11 Duke and DKU faculty this spring to explore the connections between climate change and sustainable solutions, using a ‘systems thinking’ framework of examining multifaceted challenges.    The CAST Fellows Program is dedicated to increasing the prevalence and quality of climate and sustainability concepts in academic courses across all departments at Duke. It supports instructors who are interested… read more about Incorporating Climate & Sustainability into Classes Across Duke »

From departmental awards to national recognitions, Trinity College students are frequently acknowledged for their hard work and the success that follows. Meet a few of these award-winning students who have been recognized for both their academic and community achievements. read more about Writing Studio Consultants Isa Mellody and Tess Redman featured in Celebrating the Trinity Class of 2024 »

Writing as a means of critical inquiry is a cornerstone of Duke’s academic curriculum. Despite its vital role, writing is often thought of as a fixed talent — some do it with ease, others do not — but the reality is that good writing, as any other skill, can be learned. The teaching of writing is the mission of the Thompson Writing Program (TWP). TWP helps students develop as writers during their years at Duke and beyond, including by teaching undergraduate students to become peer writing consultants through its Writing… read more about A Riff on the Classic Q&A from Peer Writing Consultants Jocelyn Chin and Tomas Esber  »

Congratulations to Charlotte Asmuth for being named to the board of Carolinas Writing Program Administrators. Dr. Asmuth is CPWA’s North Carolina At-Large Rep for 2024-2026. Carolinas WPA was formed to encourage communication among community colleges, colleges, and universities in North Carolina and South Carolina. Members represent a variety of writing programs, including writing centers, writing across the curriculum programs, first-year writing programs, and professional writing programs. Carolinas WPA enables regional… read more about Charlotte Asmuth named to the board of Carolinas Writing Program Administrators »

Five new scholars are joining the Thompson Writing Program this fall. (John West/Trinity Communications) That text you just sent your mom. The report that’s due on Friday. The many DMs from friends still awaiting replies. Most of us employ writing every day as a means of communicating with others. But we may forget that it is also an act that can tell us a lot about ourselves. Five new faculty members in Thompson Writing Program are helping Duke students, and occasionally their… read more about Crystallizing Identity and Connecting Through Writing »

Four faculty in the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences were recently recognized by the Arts & Sciences Council for outstanding achievements in undergraduate teaching. Members of the council — in collaboration with the dean's office — choose the award recipients each year by considering student evaluations, teaching statements and recommendations from colleagues as part of the selection process. Four awards are given each year, spanning the breadth of undergraduate disciplines offered in the college. “The… read more about Four Trinity Faculty Receive Undergraduate Teaching Awards  »

Twenty-eight writers across disciplines and career phases gathered for the annual Faculty Write Program Scholarly Writing Retreat and Workshop, May 15-17, 2023.  For three days, participants made progress on their own writing projects, connected with fellow writers, and learned strategies to support their writing practice during the retreat, and after the retreat ended.  Throughout the retreat, facilitators Jennifer Ahern-Dodson and Monique Dufour led workshops on topics including “Getting Unstuck,”  “… read more about Writers attend annual summer retreat »