Faculty Write

How I Write: A Conversation with Abbas Benmamoun

Friday, January 27, -
Abbas Benmamoun is the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Linguistics. His research focuses on the comparative syntax and morphology of natural language and on heritage languages, particularly on issues of language maintenance and loss within immigrant communities. Dr. Benmanoun is the author of The Feature Structure of Functional Categories, co-author of The Syntax of Arabic, and co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Arabic Linguistics. He'll talk with Jennifer Ahern-Dodson about how writing works for him as a scholar and administrator.

Sponsored by the Forum for Scholars and Publics, the Publishing Humanities Initiative, and the Thompson Writing Program.

Faculty Write


Forum for Scholars and Publics; Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI); Publishing Humanities Initiative; Thompson Writing Program