Congratulations to Jamie Browne for being Awarded the 2022 SWCA (Southeastern Writing Center Association) Professional Tutor Award for her writing center work.
“Am I talking too much? I want to be sure other folks have a chance to chime in…” These words, frequently spoken by Jamie Browne at the TWP Writing Studio’s weekly staff meetings, are invariably met with “no…please…go right ahead!” The chance to hear from this consummately thoughtful, inclusive, and collaborative professional tutor is invariably a chance to learn how to be a better writing center practitioner.
The TWP Writing Studio is delighted to congratulate Jamie on being awarded the 2022 Southeastern Writing Center Association Professional Tutor Award, a recognition of her excellence among professional tutors working in writing centers located in the southeastern United States including North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Puerto Rico, and the American Virgin Islands.
Jamie is deeply democratic and collaborative in her work, wearing her years of experience lightly and taking every opportunity to learn from colleagues, be they undergraduates, graduate students, or fellow instructors. Her concern to not dominate staff meetings speaks to her focus on making space for others, and she is frequently heard quoting her colleagues and describing strategies she’s picked up from them or encouraging them to share their insights.
Jamie’s focus on inclusion and equity extends beyond colleagues into a commitment to social justice within the writing center and across campus. In her work with writers one-on-one, and in multiple SWCA presentations and an IWCA presentation over the past few years, she has explored questions of race, class, gender identity, and sustainability in the writing center. Last year she participated in a “Teaching for Equity” Fellowship, and brought that experience back to the TWP Writing Studio, joining its new Racial Equity and Justice working group and pushing our whole-staff conversations towards even greater inclusion. Congratulations, Jamie!