Writers attend annual summer retreat

Group portrait of writers standing and sitting outside on grass

Twenty-eight writers across disciplines and career phases gathered for the annual Faculty Write Program Scholarly Writing Retreat and Workshop, May 15-17, 2023.  For three days, participants made progress on their own writing projects, connected with fellow writers, and learned strategies to support their writing practice during the retreat, and after the retreat ended.  Throughout the retreat, facilitators Jennifer Ahern-Dodson and Monique Dufour led workshops on topics including “Getting Unstuck,”  “Perfectionism and Writing,” and “Developing a Writing Repertoire.” 

By the retreat’s end, writers celebrated their progress on R01grants, final book revisions, journal article drafts, conference papers, curriculum proposals, promotion dossiers, and plenary lectures, as well as an overall feeling of well-being to jump start their summer.  Writers commented they also learned "[new] techniques to efficiently finish a solid draft of a proposal for a funder,” “found joy and confidence,”  “gained insight into how I write and why I write, and ways to think about how [those] are connected,”  and felt “re-energized” after a busy spring semester. 

Special thanks to the Office of the Dean of Trinity College, the Thompson Writing Program, and the Duke Office of Civic Engagement for supporting this event.